Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Groton Road Race 2011

We headed to Lucinda's sisters' house on Saturday. We got there and hung out on the lawn.
It was a gorgeous sunny day. 
Bray, Lucinda's nephew kept us well entertained.
He showed us his ninja skills.
And raced his bike around.
And read stories.
Then we painted the living room in their house.
For some strange reason I was really tired this weekend.
But it was great being at Lucinda's sister Rissie's house.
We had homemade pizza and watched Despicable Me in the basement theater they have, and when it finished at 9:30pm, Dee and I could have sworn it was midnight.

On Sunday morning I woke up and had some breakfast and then went right back to sleep till we had to leave for the races. We had a full day of races, with someone in each of the runs (Tot trot, 2K, 5K and 10K).

While we watched the different little kid races, it was kinda hilarious. One kid was way out in front winning their race and just bawling the entire way. 

I still was kinda half awake when the 5K rolled around.

Having not really been a stellar runner lately, this 5K was not the greatest. I was pretty much dead at the finish. But Dan was a sport and ran with me and gave me lots of encouragement to keep running.

My time was 33.59.

All in all it was a great relaxing weekend! And a great start to the revival of me running consistently.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Weekend

1/ Student-Faculty BBall Game
- Basketball is definitely a sport where you either look really put together or like a hot flailing mess.
- Surprise of the night was Dr. Schiano, who, for all intent, looks like he'd be good at sports but is in reality laughably spazzey.

2/ Matt 
- Matt called me during the student-faculty game. We chatted about his last day as a chicken worker before he enters the learning force and he told me he went to Waterton. With just Tiffany. Something about the way he mentioned that just him and Tiffany went made me laugh and in my most mocking, cynical voice ask "What did you propose?" He silently paused, which immediately made me realize what a jerk way to respond that had been. Because even if he hadnt, it made it seem like I was not pro-marriage. He asked me quietly if it would be such a bad thing if he had. To which I profusely said it would not. It would be awesome. And then I asked the big question. 

"Did you actually propose today?"

And he told me he had in fact proposed and that he and Tiffany were probably getting married in August. On Aug. 20th.
Which I laughed a bit at his phrasing... he starts with a probably and then pulls out a definitive date.
That is neither here nor there though.
I felt awful for stealing his thunder. Here he was calling to tell me his happy news and I had gotten cynical since its pretty common for people to go to Waterton to propose.
I'm very happy for my brother. And for my new best friend sister. I really and truly adore Tiffany and can think of no one better to marry my brother (Yes, I've been routing for Tiffany for quite some time). Tiffany is exactly what I've always wanted in a sister-in-law (someone who loves my brother and will be a part of our family). 

Dear Tiffany. 
I'm kinda not joking 
about being best friends. 
Love Missy

But I cant help but feel a little wistful.
Because things will never be the same again.
Its a beautiful, wonderful change though.
And Matt made sure to mention that I was the first person (besides Tiffany's mom who was at the house) to find out. (He did try phoning my parents, but they didnt answer so I beat them out for the number one phone call). He thought it was something I'd want to know right away. And he was right.
As I talked on the phone with Matt, he told me I could be his best man. But seeing as I dont think he knows how wedding parties work, I scoffed and told him I doubted very much he wanted me as his best man. He'd choose Will or one of our other cousins. And I didnt want him to offer me something he wasnt really offering (because in case you havent gathered I'm a wuss when it comes to disappointment). To which he told me I could then be the best sister at the wedding. I laughed and told him that wasnt a part of the bridal party and wasnt important. To which he replied with quite a bit of conviction that it was important to him and therefore mattered.
I love that even though this was his moment, he still was trying to make sure I didnt feel left out and that I knew that I am important to him and that he loves me.
Matt is a very good brother. And I know I am extremely lucky to have him.
And I shouldnt leave Tiffany out either. She is a wonderful addition to our family.
And we are lucky to have her.

3/ Pinkberry @the Pru
- I'm legit addicted to fro-yo. Seriously.

4/ Brie with Pistachio and Cranberry
5/ Relay For Life

- Seven spoons, disgusting heap of ice cream? ... you better believe I let that bucket pass me right by

- You cant ever go wrong with a free t-shirt. Love me some free t-shirt.
- Dee and Hayley showing off the goods after doing some fencing.

- Dean Hutter and his wife are adorable. Its my personal opinion that two very tiny people that are very much in love are the cutest type of couple and appear much cuter because they're like a miniature version of other normal sized couples in love.

- You know what I dislike about photos some times... when people dont take turns taking the shot... cause then everyones not all looking in the same direction. Lets all learn to take turns shall we. Our pictures will thank us.

- For some reason, with my last year approaching, I've been feeling the need to get as many group shots as possible. What can I say? I really love my friends and want to remember every moment. Thankfully, the group is a good sport about my tyrannical photo capturing.

6/ Sunny Sunday Walk and not so sunny dispositions

7/ Study group
It honestly amazes me every time how cheerful I feel after spending time with Lucinda and Derrick. Even when we are studying, I still am having fun. Even when I wish I wasnt studying. They turned my entire mood around without me even realizing it. I just love the study group so much.


Thursday, April 14, 2011

Med Campus BBQ

I love me some free food. But sometimes the lines to get it are ridiculous.
Seriously, this isnt even the entire line. And I got there right when it started!

But I worked the line like a champ.
There was an "only one" rule. Meaning one hot dog, one hamburger, or one veggie burger.
But I had plenty of time to come up with a winning strategy. That BBQ didnt stand a chance.
I went to the hamburger line first and then for the hot dog, cause the hot dog girl was way more chill.

And I remembered how much I love cotton candy. Fluffy happiness is what that is. Kinda brilliant.
All in all, med campus BBQ for the win!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

. . .

i like polka dots
some days it takes my everything to do one productive thing
i need easy reads to give my brain a break
i contemplate honesty far more often than i employ it
i wasted this entire day

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Still Rockin

Guess who's still rocking their prom curls?
Dont judge me for my laziness.
Or I may never wash my hair again.

Dental Prom - Part 3

I used to feel CRAZY awkward when I would dance. Because the thing about dancing is it kinda exposes you. And I was very self-conscious about looking stupid for a long time (not to say that I dont still have my moments - Lethbridge dances bring out the 14 year old in me). I didnt know how to dance... but my half effort just made it worse. As such, I didnt love dances. I avoided dances like the plague for a long time. But in my second year of University I lived with a girl who loved dancing. As roommates we would have dance parties (meaning the music would be blasting and the three of us would be dancing in our apartment - and yes, Petey from downstairs would often catch us having an impromptu dance party). I realized that just being yourself was a lot more fun than trying to appear cool. Julie (my roommate), was luminous when she danced. She would just go wild and crazy and it was completely a sight, but enchanting. She just didnt care if she looked stupid or not. And as such, she looked awesome and self-confident as she danced. It made dances a lot of fun.
Since then, I've really tried to not care if I happen to look a little ridiculous while dancing. As long as its fun, who cares? 
My classmates we're very surprised that I'm not an awkward dancer.
I was telling Alisun how I couldnt believe Aaron thought I'd be an awkward dancer.
And I go "What about me says 'Awkward dancer'?"
To which she replies "What about you DOESNT say awkward dancer? Mormon, white, Canadian... Seriously, have you met you?"
  I just had to laugh. Touche Alisun, touche.
I'm a total freak when I dance.
Which led to lots of pictures of me dancing on Prom.
Apparently I drop alot of gang signs.
But I had a lot of fun. I love music, and when it comes right down to it, I love dancing. And I think having fun and enjoying yourself is a little more important than pretending to be cool.

I cant help but be completely embarrassed by this next picture.
But it is funny. Too funny.
And I'm not so bashful that I'd bury it.

Most normal face I've ever made while dancing.
And I love love love Lindsey in this picture. 

One of my favorite people on the dance floor is Derrick Call.
White, mormon, from Utah.
You'd never guess he was such an awesome dancer.
But he's hilarious. And a complete riot.

After the Gala wound down, I went back to Aaron and Sabrina's house to grab my things.
They really wanted me to stay and watch a movie with them, so I did.
I got into comfy borrowed sweats and got settled.
Of course, both of them fell asleep before the end.
My favorite part? Aaron's hand in her boot. Its darling.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Dental Prom - Part 2

The 2nd Annual Goldman Gala had a few new flashy enticements:

1. Really Nice Venue
Boston Park Plaza Hotel

2. Live Band
The live band was so awesome. They sang lots of songs which were great for dancing to, and they would walk through the mass of people. It was the perfect music for an event like this.

3. Photobooth
Best Idea EVER!
Everywhere should have this. Seriously.
It was so much fun to go in the photobooth and take ridiculous pictures.
And getting the print outs! 
Seriously. I want a photobooth in my house right now.
Or at every event I ever go to.

I absolutely love every shot of the study group.
The Lucinda and I one makes me laugh... we like it all except the last shot.
The huge group shot was hilarious... Seriously, John and Derrick are ridiculous.
And Dr. Moran. I love that we posed around him while he didnt move or change his face.
The entire thing was AMAZING. 

4. The Food.

Option 1: Vegetarian Lasagna

 Option 2: Steak

Option 3: Fish

There was definitely a moment, where after our server had come by for the fourth time to re-ask what meal we were supposed to get, that we highly doubted we'd be getting food at all. But it turned out. I got the Fish option, Lucinda got the Vegetarian Lasagna and the rest got Steak. Lucinda and I went halvsies on our meals and both were really good, though the Lasagna might have been my favorite (even though I love me some potato pancake). And the dessert? Well, mine was demolished before the others even had their forks out. HA. 

5. The Company (and no I'm not making a Prison Break reference)

Tamsen and John Keyes

Dan and Lucinda Barry
Aaron and Sabrina Baumler-Hartman (HA - just kidding, their last names arent hyphenated even though I did try to make their name tags say that since I set up who was at our table)
Our table was smaller than everyone else's but I kinda liked it that way.
I'm exclusive like that.

6. Dental Tooth Ice Sculpture

Dee, Lauren Greco, Heather Parson, Lucinda, Me, Liz Benz


I'm a little jealous Dee got a singular shot with the tooth... I kinda wanted one.

HA. Derrick here is showing off his lovely strapless dress. That Derrick. Always looking nice.

To Be Continued...