Monday, August 2, 2010

Vacation Recap Week One.

So many things happened while I was at home. Sure, it was a short visit. But when you only have two weeks of vacation time you wanna make the most of it. 

- I started off my vacation by surprising my father and coming to Cold Lake. He wanted me to come stay with him for the first week and hang out in the new house but being the obstinate child that I am, I remained indifferent to his enticements. Opting instead to give no such answer and instead please him in person. My mother and I took a little extended adventure route to get to the house (translate: we tried a route that lead us to a gravel road, which then lead us to the military base, which of course was a dead end, which we couldnt of predicted since we were GPSless). The Cold Lake House and my time there roughly translated to me hanging out by myself all day reading and watching movies. I got the house set-up just how I wanted it - air mattress in the main level living room with tv, popcorn with ketchup seasoning and plenty of pillows and blankets. If it was sunny and hot outside, I'd drag my air mattress - with plastic garbage bags underneath - to the backyard and read out in the sun. Or bike the 8K to the office if I needed some air. Cold Lake is one of those ridiculous places that rains every night. But it was a nice little respite for me. I could lounge about and not have to worry about pleasing a soul or living up to anyone's expectations. My vacation was my own. I woke up when I wanted to (oddly enough that happened to actually be in the am), went to sleep when I wanted to (which was before midnight - another un-me-like phenomenon) and there was someone willing to make me food at night (my lovely mother and father innately seemed to understand my need to be taken care of). Sometimes doing nothing at all is bliss.

- With all my free time, and Cold Lake's proximity to Lloydminster, I decided to take the opportunity to visit Royall. Royall, my dear friend, has one of those lives that has worked out exactly as I pictured my life would work out, but did not. Married to a great guy, education completed, beautiful house and an adorable baby. And every time I talk to Royall, or spend time with Royall, I am immediately grateful for her friendship. Our lives may be completely different, but I never tire of the genuine affection we share. Royall and I lived together for just one year when we were eighteen. But she is one of my truest friends.

1 comment:

Royall said...

Thanks for the visit Melissa, it was super fun! I love exploiting your parents proximity to Lloydminster. I'll be expecting visits whenever you come out to Cold Lake!