Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I am Hunger.

Sometimes I'm hungry.
At midnight.
There's nothing in the fridge.
My cupboards contain flour, sugar and
the seasoning packages from ichiban.
I get desperate.
Luckily I tend to gravitate to people who
encourage such desperation.
Mmmm. Dominos.
How I've missed you and your cheesy breaded friend.

Sheila Kelly is my new roommate.
She is a breath of fresh air.
Very Alberta.
Which is strange cause she's very
much from Connecticut.
I'm quite happy with the decision
to live with her.
I had my worries, my reservations.
Thankfully this girl is golden.
And completely supports pizza
at midnight.
I may have found my
Massachusetts Cathy.
And that my dears, is brilliant.

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