Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Maikal's Waterpolo

When I got off the plane the first people I saw were my cousins, Maikal and William.
I gave Will a big hug and went over to Maikal. He was in a wheelchair and I scoffed and told him to get out of it as I kicked his leg. Then he informed me that he couldnt get out. He'd had surgery on his back. I kinda thought he was a liar, but he continued to tell me he couldnt get up and had me doubting. He'd had surgery on his back for a cancerous growth - and Will and Matt both supported the fact that he wasnt lying about having surgery to remove something from his back. The woman watching our reunion looked on with unabashed disapproval. I kicked someone in a wheelchair. The shame. 
That is until we reached the car. 
As soon as the car was in sight, Maikal jumped out of the wheelchair. Jerkface lied to me and I called it and then he convinced me I was the jerk.
But it was kinda funny.
I really love my cousins.
So when Maikal told me he had a waterpolo final, I wanted to be there to cheer him on.
So we got the good ol' cousin posse together.
Matt and Will and I have almost been inseparable (except for Saturday which was spent at the wedding - but I did meet up with them after it).
They're hilarious. Even though Matt drives me crazy and always argues with me. Stubborn boy.
Good thing there is plenty of people to mediate between us. Cause boy do we need it. I recall us getting along better before his mission. Happens.

Ben refused to be in any pictures - so I had to sneakily include him.

(Back) Will, Matt, Brittany
(Front) Kat, Nim, Me

Maikal scored two goals. And on his second goal we all cheered SO LOUD - which left the biggest smile on his face as he back stroked back to his side. 
His team won the game.

Tiffany, Matt, Ben
 When Maikal came up the stairs from the pool we made a tunnel for him to run through.
Seriously I love my cousins.
Nim, Kat, Will

... ... ... ... ...

And this is Maikal showing his level of happiness to be taking a picture with Brittany. 
They're cute.

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