There are people in the world who barely need any sleep. I am not one of them. Today I slept for 17 hours... which means I woke up at 7 pm. Sick I know. But seriously... I could always sleep. Its like a dream of mine to be able to sleep for a full day straight. And someday I think it'll happen. I mean I'm only a solid 7 hours off right? Thats nothing.

But this week was American Thanksgiving. My first actually.
And while it was good (one of the bishopric had all us orphans over for food and family feud on DVD) I think I prefer a thanksgiving better when I'm with my own fam.
So I thought I would tell the story of why Canadians have thanksgiving (told to me by my momma)...
A long time ago pilgrims landed in Plymouth at Plymouth Rock. They joined the indians for a feast of friendship and camaraderie. Then these pilgrims separated into loyalists (loyal to the British crown) and the soon to be americans... Well the loyalists went north and the americans stayed south. But each group still celebrated thanksgiving. Then the Americans.. always wanting to be a little different decided they didnt like Thanksgiving in October and thus moved their thanksgiving to November... and made it longer. And that is how we now have two thanksgivings... My dad likes the American one better because its a longer holiday... and I do agree its nice to have it... But I'm already picturing a February without reading week... And I think I'd rather my week long vacay be then. Oh well though.