Saturday, January 15, 2011


Yesterday, I woke up and wrote my treatment planning paper that was due that day. I was a tired of writing it and just happy to have it over with. All week, especially with the snowday, I've had bed head. I dont have any gel in the house right now and have been much too lazy to actually use my hair dryer. So instead, I've slept on my hair and let it roam free. So after finishing my paper I had a nice look in the mirror, and realized I looked a little bit like a bag lady. Matted hair and all. Sometimes, its time to put on some clothes that dont have a drawstring and do your hair. I'm sure the world thanks me for my efforts. Plus I had plans to go out to eat and to a movie. I had super cheap and delicious tacos and then went and saw Country Strong. I'm usually not huge into country music, but I kinda loved all the songs. And since my expectations for the movie had been set really, really low, when it exceeded those expectations I came away liking the movie too. It was a good day. And I like that.

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