Thursday, January 8, 2009

Slush Puppies In Your Face

So something that Boston is becoming famous for in my mind is this odd little habit it has of snowing... and then promptly raining.  It creates that oh so fun slush... EVERYWHERE.  I've gotten very good a dodging the parts that look like they might get me damp.  But today... after it raining all day yesterday, I came out of the house to clear skies.  And icy death traps under foot.  I will say I did pretty good keeping my wits about me as I was walking... but I went to pass a slow walker, and wasnt watching my footstep and right as I was about to pass I hit an ice patch... slide past him and biffed it to my buttom.  And I never did get to pass him.  

So... yesterday I was surfing facebook... and saw that another cousin has bitten the dust.  Dear Carla is abandoning a sisterhood of single cousins for eternal bliss.  Dang her.  No really its awesome.  Weird a bit.  Cause in my mind I think all us cousins are still too young to be married.  And those that are... mainly the Coppieters, I never see.  Out of sight, out of mind.  And somehow the fact that Angie, whose blog I stalk, has two kids and a hubbie doesn't really factor in in my mind.  She just happens to have mini blonde asian babies and a boyfriend.  

So I guess somehow growing up has snuck up on me.  Sneaky bugger.

But today... oh it was kinda a dream.  I had a IDP lab (aka Intro to Dental Practices)... pretty much the only practical class I've got going on this year.  And we did some prophylaxis, sealants and fluoride.  Thats right world.  I now am certified to clean, seal and fluoride those teeth... Woot.  I like days like this.  Mainly cause it beats the studying I'm avoiding.  But this semester feels good on me.  I thought I would be alot more sad about leaving the fam jam and any friends who actually use my phone number... I mean usually it takes me a week just to get back into the swing of things after a Lethy visit... but maybe I'm more self sufficient than I give myself credit.  I like having the time to just think my own thoughts.  And there's something nice about not having anyone around.  Dont get me wrong.  If my school happened to decide to relocate to SoAB I'd be there in a flash and learn to close my door when I want some me time.  But all in all I'm feeling pretty good about this semester.  We'll see how the "new semester" feel lasts.  


Anonymous said...

Bahahahah - Mini blonde asian babies - That made me laugh outloud!
Don't worry I am still a memeber of the single sisters!


.Ang. said...

I laughed out loud too!


Good stuff!

I have a surprise for you on my blog
(From Lindsay Love)


PS. The word verification is Cous... and we are cousins....
